Shitposter Club

提供:GNU social JP Wiki
2023年12月11日 (月) 18:57時点におけるGnusocialjp (トーク | 投稿記録)による版


Shitposter Club (Shitposter Club) はPleromaのサーバーだ。


@sim @coldacid @PurpCat @kirby @rw SPC was on completely different server or it would have been lost too. Yes, I am responsible for the ultimate demise of and from not having OFF SITE backups, a fact that I still deeply regret. After Hope was doxed, they left the community and robek and I negotiated to acquire the two sites. There are serious differences in moderation style between us and I was not totally comfortable taking that on but we absolutely did not want a huge chunk of the Fediverse to go offline.
@PurpCat @kirby those two servers definitely courted people banned from Twitter. I attempted to try (the thing Evan P one of the authors of ActivityPub made that almost killed the network) before my GNU Social server. I was and am very interested in freedom and decentralization which was my primary motivation. SPC started as a strong free speech instance that basically banned violent threats, doxing and loli, sealion didn't. SPC has since created more rules on perceived and real harassment. we absorbed a lot of users early on from another shitposting server named that went defunct after a database crash. I'll try to add more facts as I remember them.

2016-02-07に誕生した。当初はGNU socialのサーバーだった。2018年頃にGNU socialからPleromaにバックエンドを切り替えている。


分散SNSとしては、Mastodonが生まれる前から存在しており、古参のサーバー・ユーザーとなる。Moon自体はMastodonには懐疑的な立場で、右派的な立場で、自由を重んじているように見える。現在はPleromaだが、今でもGNU socialには愛着があるようで、度々GNU socialへの言及がある。